In the little old town of Cantanoo
There lived a daredevil named Chuck Lee
Folks threw dares at him like tomatoes
But he said “That ain’t no match for me”
Day one had Chuck fighting two Tigers
They stared him down while he sipped his tea
Chuck roughed em up and tied their tails
And said “those tigers ain’t no mach for me”
Day two had Chuck on a thin tight rope
Or fall a long five hundred feet
Chuck giggled and danced across the rope
And said “500 feet ain’t no match for me”
Day 3 had Chuck downing snake venom
Chuck smirked and picked up the glass with glee
The venom vanished down his gullet,
He said “That snake venom ain’t no match for me”
Day 4 had Chuck lifeless on the ground
Not a finger moved a degree
But a snake sat in his old chair and said
“Hah, well that Chuck ain’t no match for me”